Circular Spirituality Series

Have you ever wondered if many of the basic beliefs within Christianity could be illustrated, explained, or understood using the framework of a simple circle?

Answering this question is the aim of this series of short books:

Circular God

Circular God Book Cover

Is it possible to describe the Godhead using a simple circle?
If it is possible, is it something we would want to do?

In Circular God, we discover the answer to both these questions. If understanding God has been a challenge for you, then this short book includes a perspective worth considering. If wondering what God wants you to do with your life, then this book can provide guidance. Want to see more Holy Spirit in your life? This book gives one big, often overlooked, key to gaining more of God’s Spirit.

However, while God has an opportunity for us, Satan is ready with a counterfeit. Satan is eager and willing to trick us into following his plan, rather than God’s. However, Satan’s plan has a glaring flaw, and when we see it, we can avoid it.

In Circular God, discover God’s opportunity (God’s loop) and step into the adventure of a lifetime!

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Circular Commandments

Can we arrange the Ten Commandments in a circle?
If we did, would we learn anything new about God?

In Circular Commandments, we continue our journey by turning our “circular” lens towards the Ten commandments. In this journey, we discover four “quadrants” the commandments fit into, how each commandment becomes a way we can show love to God, how the commandments relate in amazing ways with each other. Also on this journey, discover pieces of God’s character you may not have seen before.

But just like with our previous book in this series, Satan has prepared a counterfeit to God’s commandments, and he is eager to trick us into following his set of rules rather than God’s. But Satan’s commandments overlook one major point—which we can use for our benefit.

In Circular Commandments, rediscover the Ten Commandments today!

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Circular Rest

Of all the themes in the Bible, one of the easiest to forget begins with the word “Remember”. What happens when we turn our circular lens towards the Sabbath?

In Circular Rest, we continue our journey by turning our “circular” lens towards the promise of rest God gives His people and how this promise relates to the Sabbath commandment. Is the Sabbath commandment a dusty relic from an ancient era, or is it something God thinks is still significant? Also along our journey, we will look at several key places where God models rest and what these examples teach us about Him.

But Satan has crafted a counterfeit to God’s Sabbath rest, and he openly compels as many as he can to join him. But Satan’s counterfeit rest has a flaw that overlooks one key part of God’s character.

In Circular Rest, accept your invitation to step into God’s rest and find refreshment for your soul!

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Circular Life

One of the most challenging topics in the Bible is what happens when you die. However, what happens when we turn our circular lens towards this heavily debated topic?

In Circular Life, we continue our journey by turning our “circular” lens towards the life God has promised His people. However, is this life something we receive now? Is this life something we receive following our resurrection? Is this future life a fantasy with no biblical support? Or is there a better way to understand life, death, and eternity?

While Satan has crafted a set of counterfeit half‑truths, when we turn our circular lens towards the life God promises us, we can look past the half‑truths to discover the whole truth—revealing how much God loves each of us.

In Circular Life, escape the endless debate and discover the life God is preparing to welcome you into when He returns!

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Circular Promise

Is living in heaven desirable if God is eager to judge those who do wrong?
Should we judge God by His actions in a few difficult Old Testament events?

In Circular Promise, discover a new way to understand the God of the Old Testament. While many critics see Him as the opposite of Jesus, is there a better way to understand His actions towards us? While the Old Testament includes several challenging events, is the typical way of understanding His actions thousands of years ago the best way to understand Him?

Satan is eager to frame God as someone worth avoiding—as someone we would not want to spend eternity with. However, Satan’s frame misses two roles God takes while distorting a third. When we turn our circular lens towards the roles God takes throughout history, discover how each role reveals His love for us.

In Circular Promise, discover how the Godhead gave everything they could to redeem you!

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Circular Hope

Have you ever felt as though you were irredeemable or like God has rejected you?
If so, this book offers renewed hope!

In Circular Hope, we’ll uncover a powerful symbol tucked within a neglected metaphor that runs through the entire course of history. From the day humanity failed God, through to the day God welcomes us into heaven, the Bible includes a powerful metaphor describing what God wants to do for us. While most people focus on Jesus’ invitation to come, we find this metaphor in what comes next.

However, Satan is eager to distract us away from discovering this metaphor—and all of God’s gifts to us. But Satan’s distractions have a significant flaw. Once we discover this metaphor present all around us, it becomes impossible to unsee.

In Circular Hope, discover what God invites us into and the gifts He gives to help us move forward in life!

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Circular Growth

After accepting God into your heart, have you wondered what comes next?
While we await the day Jesus returns, what does God want us to focus on?

In Circular Growth, we discuss what it means to be a disciple, how to stay connected to Jesus, and what we can expect to happen when we keep our connection to Jesus strong. On this step of our journey, we’ll discover a simple plan to develop new habits in our lives, and easy ways to help break bad habits.

However, Satan is shrewd, and always on the lookout to derail our growth. Whether he uses the busyness of life, or direct challenges, the last thing he wants is for us to stay connected to Jesus. But Satan’s tactics have limits. When we realize and remember that God is stronger, we can claim God’s power to transform our lives.

In Circular Growth, purposefully step forward into becoming the person God created you to be!

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Circular Mission

When the God enters our lives, He brings gifts for us to use.
However, what if His “spiritual gifts” are being misused, misrepresented, or misunderstood?

In Circular Mission, we take a circular look at spiritual gifts and how these gifts help us fulfill the mission God has placed in our lives. While sounding simple, most people treat God’s gifts like a piece of our personality, as roles we can step into, or as supernatural abilities we receive from God. However, while spiritual gifts are similar, they are also distinctly different.

However, Satan knows just how significant these gifts are and he is always on the lookout to thwart us. But Satan’s power has limits. When we understand and apply God’s gifts in our lives, nothing can stand in our way as we step forward on God’s mission.

In Circular Mission, discover how God’s gifts empower us to fulfill His mission for our lives!

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Circular Testimony

Do you ever feel as though everyone else has a powerful testimony while you are left out?
What if your testimony contains a powerful gift in disguise?

In Circular Testimony, rediscover the power of our stories, how our stories can connect with God’s story, and an easy to overlook gift found within every one of our stories. Discover how our story can become our testimony. Also, we’ll uncover a “once in a lifetime” opportunity we have now that won’t be available after we reach heaven.

However, stories are powerful. Satan knows just how significant our stories are and he is ready to hijack our stories if given the chance. But Satan’s counterfeits lack an important detail—God’s transforming power. When we understand this, Satan’s counterfeits lose their appeal.

In Circular Testimony, align your story with God’s as we step together towards eternity!

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